Monday, April 24, 2017

Take Advantage of the Latest Research

Parabiosis: Implement Current Research in Science and Health 

Parabiosis "refers to the natural or surgical union of two organisms." It has been in the science news over the last few years because some researchers have discovered that if they sew an old, fat mouse to a young slim one, the old fat one derives certain benefits from the youth and slenderness of the other rodent. Researchers say this process does not seem to trouble the mice all that much once they get used to it. And in fact that their lives are more interesting than those of the usual bored lab rodent.

Naked Mole Rats are a topic of study because they seem to have certain remarkable talents when it comes to longevity and handling oxidative stress.  Headlines like, "Do Naked Mole Rats Hold the Key to Immortality?" were out there a couple of years ago.

If one is paying attention to medical research news and the alternative health and wellness conversation, one hears often of the very long time that it takes even very clear and established research to filter into standard clinical practice.

Sometimes one is tempted to implement something from rodent trials because it sounds good and it works so well for the mice, so it might work for humans also. 

Or not.

(Naked Mole Rats are a bit smaller... and maybe a bit better looking in real life.)

1 comment:

Take Advantage of the Latest Research

Parabiosis: Implement Current Research in Science and Health  Parabiosis "refers to the natural or surgical union of two organ...